Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can you replace one occurence in a string with C#?

I have a string, forexample aaabcc

and I want to replace only one 'a' by 'b' and not all of the a's...any ideas of how I could do it please?

Can you replace one occurence in a string with C#?
A better approach for this might be to let the program do the hard work:

Take your inbound value and split it by the delimiter into an array:

string[] strValues = strInbound.Split(',');

//Note: using ' to enclose the delimiter implies the char type in C#

//Use ","c in VB.NET

Then you can spin thru the array and replace all occurences of String.Empty ("") with "NULL". Then you also have a data structure from which to construct your database query instead of just another string.

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